Natures vitamins!

Apple blossom

The clocks go back next week and finally, after all the dark months, spring is ready to bring us back to life!

Its a great time to get outside, top up your Vitamin D levels, and find yourself some young plants full of vitamin C. Yesterday I went outside and took some deep breaths, inhaling the spring air. I went foraging and within a few minutes I had found some lesser celandine (Ficaria verna), cleavers (Galium aparine) and some young nettles (urtica dioica) in a marshy patch of wasteland near a river.

You can juice the sticking grass and young celandine straight away and young nettle (just the tops) can be used as a spinach replacement. Cook and add butter to the young nettle tops and add to your meal of the day!

A word of warning – make sure you identify your plants correctly with a little foraging book.. you don’t want to make mistakes!

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